Glucodex A

Glucodex A


Amino Acid Role: Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid vital for producing neurohormones like dopamine, epinephrine, and noradrenaline in the brain.

Product Purpose: Designed for pre-competitive states, Glucodexa stimulates performance, relieves pain, and is recommended for high-performance adult horses and camels.

Presentation: Available in a 30 ml bottle for easy measurement and administration.

Formula: Contains 0.4 mg Dexamethasone di-sodium 21 phosphate, 100 ml Glucosamine, 8 mg DL-Phenylalanine, and 1 ml Exp. Sterile Water.

Dosage Overview: For race horses and camels, consult dosage guidelines for effective administration, with specified dosages for varying treatment intensities.

Pre-Race Application: Administer 5 ml for 5 days, or 10 ml for 5 days IM/IV; specify timing for maximum product synergy.

Maximum Dose: 20 ml is the maximum dose administered via IM; the minimum dose is 2 ml IM or IV for safety.

Availability: 6 in stock

Glucodex A is an innovative supplement specifically formulated to enhance the health and performance of race animals, particularly horses and camels. This advanced formulation combines ingredients that provide both anti-inflammatory benefits and essential amino acids crucial for optimal physical function. With an increasing focus on the performance of competitive animals, Glucodex A stands out as a vital addition to their nutritional regimen.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

At the heart of Glucodex A is Dexamethasone di-sodium 21 phosphate, a corticosteroid known for its anti-inflammatory properties. At a concentration of 0.4 mg per dose, this ingredient helps mitigate inflammation and pain, particularly in the joints. This is crucial for high-intensity training and racing, where stress on joints can lead to discomfort and impair performance.

Another significant component is glucosamine, provided at a robust 100 mg per dose. Glucosamine is a well-researched substance that supports joint health by promoting the repair of cartilage. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity of joints, which is vital for maintaining peak performance in athletic animals.

Moreover, Glucodex A includes 8 mg of DL-Phenylalanine, an essential amino acid that the body uses to produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, and noradrenaline. These neurohormones are critical for regulating mood, energy levels, and focus, allowing animals to perform at their best under the pressures of competition.

Applications and Dosage

Glucodex A is particularly effective for use in pre-competitive settings, preparing animals for the physical demands they will face. The recommended dosage varies depending on the intensity of treatment required. For a safe pre-race application, administering 5 ml for five consecutive days can enhance performance significantly. Moderate treatment requires 5 ml for three days, while a more intense approach involves a 10 ml dosage over five days.

It’s essential to monitor the application closely, with a minimum treatment time of one day and a maximum of five days to ensure the most beneficial effects without overexertion.


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