Columba 50 doses Raramyxovirus Immunisation

Columba 50 doses Raramyxovirus Immunisation


Availability: 8 in stock

The Columba vaccine is a specialized preparation designed to combat the pigeon paramyxovirus. Each dose (0.3 ml) contains the active substance, inactivated Pigeon paramyxovirus 1 strain 988M-ca, which induces a minimum of 5.8 log2 HI units in chickens, evaluated through haemagglutination inhibition assays. This concentration ensures that pigeons develop a robust immune response against the paramyxovirus, which can lead to severe respiratory infections characterized by clinical signs that include respiratory distress and high mortality rates.

The vaccine also incorporates an adjuvant in the form of a non-mineral oil emulsion. This ingredient enhances the immune response, helping to improve the efficacy of the vaccine. Additionally, thiomersal is included as an excipient, acting as a preservative to ensure the vaccine remains effective throughout its shelf life.

Administration Guidelines

The vaccine is intended for pigeons aged four weeks and older. The administration of the vaccine must be done subcutaneously in the area from the back of the neck to the tail. It is important not to administer the vaccine intramuscularly in the pectoral muscle or on the head.

For young pigeons, the primary vaccination regimen should include a first injection at four weeks of age, followed by a second injection 21 to 28 days later. This second dose is crucial for ensuring optimal immunity against paramyxovirus. Adult pigeons require revaccination every twelve months, with the recommendation of administering the vaccine at least 21 days before the breeding or show season begins.

Before applying the vaccine, it must be allowed to warm to room temperature. It should be shaken well before use and applied under aseptic conditions with sterile syringes and needles to minimize the risk of infection.

Duration of Immunity and Efficacy

The Columba vaccine’s effectiveness lasts for one year, which means that pigeons will have an adequate defense against paramyxovirus for this duration following vaccination. The onset of immunity begins approximately 14 days after the initial injection. Therefore, proper timing of administration is crucial, particularly before breeding seasons or competitions, to ensure pigeons are protected during crucial periods of exposure.

While the vaccine is robust in providing immunity, it is important to monitor vaccinated pigeons for any signs of adverse reactions, as individual responses may vary.

Safety, Contraindications, and Warnings

As with any medical intervention, safety considerations are paramount. It is crucial not to vaccinate sick birds, as this could lead to complications or adverse reactions. Post-vaccination, some pigeons may develop slight swelling at the injection site that usually resolves within a week. In rare instances, small swellings observed during laboratory studies were absorbed within 28 days in about 0.5% of pigeons, indicating generally favorable safety.

A few key precautions must be adhered to: there is no information regarding the vaccine’s use during the breeding season, so vaccination should be avoided during this time. Additionally, combining this vaccine with other veterinary medicinal products should be approached with caution and considered on a case-by-case basis. Accidental self-injection should be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate medical attention.

Storage and Manufacturer Information

Proper storage is essential for maintaining the vaccine’s efficacy. The Columba vaccine should be stored at temperatures between 2°C and 8°C and must not be frozen. The packaging should remain intact, stored in its original carton to protect it from light and temperature fluctuations.

The Columba 50 Doses Raramyxovirus Immunisation vaccine is manufactured by Pharmagal Bio spol. s ro, located at Murgashova 5, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic. Their commitment to quality ensures that breeders and pigeon enthusiasts have reliable and effective solutions to safeguard their birds against paramyxovirus.